Ring Spun Yarns
Contract Count Range – 37tex/1 through to 2000tex, in singles or folded yarns.
Raw White stock Yarns:
74tex/2 – Shrink Treated & Non shrink treated 24micron wool.
110tex/2 – 26micron wool
300tex/2 – 32micron wool
Wrap Spun Yarns:
Contract Count Range – 90tex – 2000tex with a range of effect binders, such as nylons, polyester, acetates etc.
Raw White Stock Yarns:
500tex – 90% mohair on 10% nylon binders
Batches 300kg or more nett weight – as quoted. Smaller batches down to 150kg attract surcharges.
The gross input weight of fibre for 300kg is approximately 365kg depending on fibre type and yarn specifications.

Get in touch with us to talk about your fibre needs.